Wow! I can ‘feel’ your sad heart! Such a poignant moment in parenting! I can tell you ONE THING. As a parent of 5 sons, it IS wonderful to see them become awesome young men! To watch them grow and mature. Another season of God’s glory is COMING, JD. We now have 16 grandchildren, and 4 great grandchildren, as a result of those 5 sons. The ‘backyard is bigger than you thought!!” Grace, Janet Chenoweth, Houston, Texas!

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A fathers heart on the back of an envelope.

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Reminds me of when I took our oldest to Asbury College in 2005. She was all smiles as we drove away. Five miles north of Wilmore, I pulled over and wept. Ugh. It's gotten easier . . .

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And then there are grandchildren! A blessing like none other. ❤️

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I feel this. My youngest went away to the university this past fall.

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Beautifully written. You capture that moment and every emotion it contains perfectly.

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Mine are 7 and 9 right now. Squeezing them tight 😭😭

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